John Ralston Saul, (Ottawa, Canadà, 19 de juny del ) és un escriptor i assagista canadenc i el president del PEN Club Internacional des del Saúl és més conegut pels seus escrits sobre la naturalesa de l'individualisme, la ciutadania i el bé públic; els fracassos de les societats dirigides pels administradors (o, més precisament, la tecnocràcia), la confusió entre lideratge.
From the acclaimed, award-winning author of Alexander Hamilton, here is the essential, endlessly engrossing biography of John D. Rockefeller, Sr. – the Jekyll-and-Hyde of American capitalism. Over the course of his nearly 98 years, Rockefeller was known as both a rapacious robber baron, whose Standard Oil Company rode roughshod over an.
Pope John XXIII. Journal of a Soul, Translated by Dorothy White. MacGraw-Hill, Pope John XXIII. Journal of a Soul: The Autobiography of Pope John III. New York: Image, ISBN ; Pridgeon, Charles, S.J. Pope John XXIII's PACEM IN TERRIS (Peace on Earth) In Question and Answer. Glasgow: John S. Burns, ASIN: BKIK7LY.
Tom welcomes economist John Williams, the founder of Shadow Government Statistics to the show. Williams shares his background in economics and economic modeling, which led him to scrutinize government statistics due to their potential inaccuracies. He became particularly concerned with employment data revisions and manipulation. Despite improvements, he remains skeptical about inconsistencies.
Steppenwolf enjoyed worldwide success from to , but clashing personalities led to the end of the core lineup. From to , John Kay was the only original member involved, having been the lead singer since The band was called John Kay & Steppenwolf from to
John Edmund Haggai, a preacher and revivalist who saw the need to equip Christians around the world to evangelize their own countries, died Wednesday at
Many of them are in Japanese. This is one that's translated to English by publisher Viz Media. It's a larger than usual art book, hardcover, pages and reads from right to left. It collects the art of Yoshiyuki Sadamoto (貞本 義行), the Japanese artist who created the characters for Evangelion. The pages are filled with huge beautiful.
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Tudor Arghezi a fost un scriitor roman cunoscut pentru contribuția sa la dezvoltarea liricii romanești sub influența baudelairianismului. Opera sa poetica, de o originalitate exemplara, reprezinta o alta varsta marcanta a literaturii romane.